Hello Experts,
We have an issue and we are operating in few countries where there is no decimals setup for these Countries Ex like Japan, Vietnam. We have set '0' in TCURX.. However, all transaction that were posted to these Company Codes showing with two decimals in the standard tables like FLEXA, BSEG so on...This is SAP standard
Stored value = actual value / ( 10 ^ (2 – CURRDEC) ) So, if a value posted 1000 JPY and system stores this value as 10.00 JPY currently.
Now, business consolidating values through Hyperion and fetching (Don't really how Hyperion fetch values from SAP) values from Std. tables which is causing decimals issue. Means instead of 1000 JPY only 10.00 is fetching to Hyperion.
How we can fix this issue. I did n't think its possible updating standard tables with out decimals. Should we use BAPI_CURRENCY_CONV_TO_EXTERNAL while fetching values from SAP tables to Hyperion?
Please help.