Hi there,
I am currently trying to figure out the incompatibility settings. They are a bit of a mystery to me.
I would like to use incompatibilities to exclude certain transshipment locations from being considered during the planning optimization, or the generating of transportation proposals respectively.
Setup example:
Origin location: A
Destination location: B
Transshipment locations: C,D,E
Three routes:
A-C-B is the only proposal I would like to see during the planning of the Freight Unit.
Is it possible to block the proposals containing transshipment locations D and E via incompatibility settings?
If yes, how would I achieve that?
I tried to set up two conditions; one containing the Shipper BP (which is the origin location A) and the other containing the transshipment locations D and E.
As you may have guessed, that didn't work.
Or is there another way to get to the same result?
Ideally, this should be possible with master data and no or very few config changes.
Thank you for your help in advance.