While creating a group asset at AS21, I encountered with the following error message
No depreciation area in company code xxx allows group assets.
Message no. AY160
I checked at Tcode OAYM for group asset check box . Entered the check in the checkbox on Depreciation Area (o1, 10 and 32) and when tried to save it
I am getting another error message
Company code 1000: Group asset 3005 manages dep. area 20
Message no. AC715
Company code 1000: Group asset 3005 still manages depreciation area 20. For this reason, you cannot delete the group asset indicator.
System Response
The data is not saved.
There are two options:
- 1. Set the indicator for managing group assets.
- 2. Deactivate depreciation area 20 in group asset 3005 and in all others that manage this depreciation area (
Change group asset: master data
- ). Then you can delete the indicator for managing group assets in depreciation area 20.
How does my configuration connect to company code 1000 , group asset 3005 and Depreciation area 20?
I am totally lost here.